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Dialing for Dollars Week at College Insurrection

Dialing for Dollars Week at College Insurrection

Your weekly dispatch from the desperate world of higher education.,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNHFDxxKp8zZ00mv0pc1tJ_vavPeQA&ust=1409455160481955

Higher ed bubble? What higher ed bubble?

Speaking of social media…

At least one person isn’t worried about college finances.

Is Hillary suffering the consequences?

Rape culture really is a problem.

So are Teletubbies.

It’s a good thing everyone is taking higher education seriously.

Are you beginning to notice a trend?

Updates from outrage central.

Multiple choice question: Who’s really helping here?

Crime and punishment.

BDS update.

Irony, thy name is Berkeley.

It’s about time.

If I ever go back to school, I’m going to major in engineering.

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

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nordic_prince | August 30, 2014 at 9:10 am

With those glasses, Shillary looks like Joe Flynn (Captain Wallace B. Binghamton from McHale’s Navy, among other things). He typically played a bumbling fool – hmm, just like Shillary ~

KM from Detroit | August 30, 2014 at 2:52 pm

I think you meant “Irony, thy name is Granholm.”

I made the mistake of voting for her for her first term, because she was related in some way to my next door neighbors at the time. It was a crying shame Dick DeVos couldn’t unseat her in 2006.