Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress Today: Teaches Us About Violent Islam and Courage

Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress Today: Teaches Us About Violent Islam and Courage March 3, 2015


Why is President Obama giving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu such a cold welcome today when he addresses Congress?

Dennis Prager said it bestThose who do not confront evil resent those who do. Prager writes:

The prime minister of Israel is at the forefront of the greatest battle against evil in our time — the battle against violent Muslims. No country other than Israel is threatened with extinction, and it is Iran and the many Islamic terror organizations that pose that threat. It only makes sense, then, that no other country feels the need to warn the world about Iran and Islamic terror as much as does Israel. That’s why when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the United Nations about the threat Iran poses to his country’s survival and about the metastasizing cancer of Islamist violence, he, unfortunately, stands alone. 

Of course, our President is not much for confronting evil.   In fact, I’m not sure that liberals like to admit there is such a thing. (Remember when George Bush coined the term the “axis of evil” and everyone made fun of it?)

As Netanyahu speaks today, let’s pause and be thankful for this amazing statesman.  Hopefully, he can teach us about the threat of violent Islam… and maybe he can teach the President a thing or two about how to have a backbone.

UPDATE: Watch it here!

Also, get your “I Stand with BiBi” tee shirt here!


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