On Two Wheels With David Byrne


It is a crisp fall day, and David Byrne is worried about helmet hair. Pedaling up the Hudson River bike path, helmetless, the former Talking Heads frontman keeps a leisurely pace as his large brown eyes dart about and take in the world slipping past. He has agreed to let me tag along during his morning commute north from Canal Street to Midtown. Though he is lanky, there is a graceful flow to his movements, born of more than 30 years and many miles riding here and abroad.


David Byrne: Live on Two Wheels

The former Talking Heads frontman discusses his passion for bicycles and what he thinks New York City should do to become more bike friendly.

By Erik Olsen on Publish Date October 13, 2009.

Mr. Byrne was recently back from a publicity tour in Austin, Tex., and Seattle to promoting his new book, “Bicycle Diaries” (Viking), which chronicles his experiences and musings bicycling not just in New York City, but also in the world’s great metropolises, including Berlin, Istanbul, Buenos Aires, Manila, Sydney and London. While on tour last year, bikes were always close at hand. “We had seven bikes on the road with us,” Mr. Byrne said. “They would fold up and go into the luggage compartment of the bus.”

Mr. Byrne said he began riding in the 1970s, mostly around the Lower East Side, when “there was nobody over there but drug dealers and drug buyers.” Since then, his passion for bicycling has blossomed, as has his interest in the city’s urban renewal.

Mr. Byrne commutes along the Hudson River bike path from his home in Midtown down to his SoHo office. The ride is one of his favorites. He says he adores the breathtaking river views on one side, but he is clearly annoyed by the traffic whizzing past on the other. Asked what more the city could do for bikers, he is unapologetic: “Bury the West Side Highway,” he snaps. “Put the highway underground if you want to keep the damn highway.”

Mr. Byrne said his travels have opened his eyes to what is possible for New York. While the city has made great strides by creating bike lanes and installing bike racks (some of Mr. Byrne’s own design), he said, it has yet to measure up to some of its European counterparts, progressive urban centers like Copenhagen and Amsterdam. He also has a special fondness for places off the beaten track.

“The ones that are incredibly bike friendly are these northern Italian towns — Ferarra, Modena,” he said. “It’s almost like the whole center of the city is closed off. In the centers you see grandmas, and beautiful women, kids, everybody just biking around.”

Mr. Byrne, 57, cuts a dashing figure. His hair is not so much gray as a spiky, incandescent white, part gracefully aging rock star, part phosphorous bomb. He wears white pants, white shoes and a bright orange vest beneath a dark blue jacket. It is hard to picture him in spandex. Even his bike, a hybrid, has personal flair. The handlebars are modified to allow him to sit up more straight as he rides. “Since I’m not riding for sport, I kind of like to see where I’m going,” he said.

Biking for him, he said, is mostly a matter of utility, getting from A to B. He says he plans his route based on where there are bike lanes. But, as you might expect from the man who turned a building into a musical instrument, riding also affords him stretches of reflective time to clear his head.

“Your unconscious is free to kind of mull over what it is you’ve got to deal with that day or whatever creative stuff you’re working on or whatever problems,” he said. “Sometimes the problems get a little closer to being solved by the time you get to where you’re going.”

Now that his band is on hiatus from touring, he thinks about what he can do to nurture Manhattan’s biking culture. Last year, he designed a series of quirky bike racks for city streets. Now, he would like to see the city add new bike lanes, especially in neighborhoods like the Lower East Side. He supports a bike-sharing program like those in European capitals. He also contemplates grander schemes, like turning a much bigger area around 42nd Street (not just Times Square) into a pedestrian center, and building a greenway like the Hudson River bike path down the middle of Manhattan. “There’s probably no money for that,” he said ruefully.

As we near the end of the ride, Mr. Byrne admits that New York is making good progress. We’re not Copenhagen yet, but maybe someday we’ll get there: “Little by little,” he says, legs churning. “It’s not going to be something overnight.”

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“Bury the West Side Highway,” says David Byrne, decades after environmental and community politics forced the rejection of the $1.3 billion federal offer to do just that.

As a West Village resident for nearly 40 years who was never categorically opposed to the Westway concept, I often wonder what life would have been like with an underground West Side Highway: a nightmare of construction and subsequent traffic at the underground highway’s exits and entrances; or a magnificent waterfront wonderland — peaceful, quiet and toxic fume-free?

We need more celebs on bikes. People listen to celebs. Progress will happen when more celebs ride. Unfortunately,on the other hand, didn’t Oprah say something like “ban bikes from roads” or something like that? Anybody remember?

David Byrne is right about the West Side Highway and how it should be buried. Unfortunately the lunatics in the West Village stopped Westway in its tracks three decades ago. We could have had a wonderful waterfront park instead of a six lane nightmare.

As for promoting bike riding, it is a good idea that should be encouraged.

There are cars/trucks/buses crossing the West Side Hwy bike path at a number of intersections. His reasoning for not wearing a helmet is silly at best. But its his choice.

I love you David but this ain’t no Copenhagen.

As a resident of the suburbs and frequent visitor to Manhattan, I think the closing of streets in Times Square was a great move. It has made the area much more of a destination for me and my wife. An expansion of the pedestrian zone would only make it better.

David, protect that talking head!

I’m a long, long-time fan of David Byrne. But for crying out loud…. Helmet! HELMET! Please! If not to protect your head, then to fight the perception by those younger than you that it is cool not to wear one. I owe my life to my helmet. Others without them have not been so lucky. Please wear your helmet.

No helmet? Idiotic.

Funniest thing is that all of the bike racks in my neighborhood are crammed with delivery bikes. No room for the actual bicycles of actual New Yorker who ride bicycles. Seems to me that they should be charged for the installation of this parking for their benefit. Hell, tax ’em or fine ’em, and then use the money to install more bicycle racks.

What they said! put that ugly bucket on your pretty brains!

And yes, bicycling is my favorite form of meditation, letting the wheels do the thinking while my body links it all together.

How bout coming down to New Orleans and helping to foster a little bike awareness here? Compared to this SUV-ruled city, New York *is* Copenhagen!

I wear my helmet hair proudly.

The narrow, crowded Hudson River bike/pedestrian path, while undeniably scenic, is not the place to let your mind run free and solve problems, and it is most decidedly NOT the place to forego a bike helmet. I’m on it every weekend with my folding bike. It’s an overused urban artery where both cyclists and pedestrians need to pay attention and follow the rules of the road (not all of them do), keep their wits about them, and be on the lookout for developing hazards and problem situations.

David, I’ve worshipped you since 1977 — but you’ve stopped making sense.

Let me recommend fenders too, the least appreciated accessory for all weather riding.

Byrne is worried about helmet head. He should be worried about the cross-pathway vehicular traffic, other bikers/runners/pedestrians/roller bladers on the path. Any number of these can cause a minor accident with the very real possibility of his head hitting the pavement. Then who will we have to advocate for burying the West Side Highway?

I’ve been riding the West side since the mid 70’s. The new conversion is fantastic. The raw West Side was, in it’s way, of unending interest. However, the current bikeway, in peak hours and weather, is replete with dangers of skaters, walkers, dogs, fast bikers, and, in general, mindless citizens and tourists. Wear a Helmet David, better helmet hair than no head.

I read the review of “Bicycle Diaries” a few weeks back, when david was out in Seattle; very interesting review. basically, anyone who bikes a lot, whether for fun, sport or commuting understands how it allows for free flowing ideas to surface, and, basically, the air, movement, relaxinging exertion can unconstipate the most constipated mind. I lived in both san Francisco and Seattle, both cities with large populations of bikers, though, Seattle more on the commuter side. San Francisco is fun on a warm, sunny day, lots to see and do, many views. Seattle has hills too, but, lots of lakes and water and fresh ocean breezes. I am hoping to live in Portland for awhile, I hear Portland is bike city USA. I currently live in NYC, but, have no room to store my bike, and, most importantly, I am afraid to ride on the streets here. The West side where he rides is fine, but, cab drivers, and, other people, make it dangerous. You need to be acclimated to it. But, like anything else, you can get hit anywhere, ….my worst accident was right at my front steps, after a winter ride in jersey ten years ago—I hit a patch of ice, and went over the bars onto the concrete…..my second worst accident was Mt tam…..I slid out going down the railroad grade—-double bow know….my break went out on my, and could not stop, and, went into a gulley…about 15 feet down into hard brush…..I had a hole in my hand for a month…….it would bleed every moring while shaving……I did enjoy Seattle…..Green Lake….up Phinney….over to Ballard….back along the canal….through Fremont….back to Wallingford….nice loop in the Winter light…..

Hey NY:

If you want more celebs and debutants to ride – and don’t want Oprah to say stupid things like that – then don’t hit them with your bikes. Especially not the pregnant ones. //www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/15/elisabeth-hasselbeck-hit-_n_187367.html


I rode my 10-speed bicycle in Manhattan in the early Seventies, the only others ‘out there,’ were the wide-tires delivery bicycles. People thought I was crazy! But, now everyone doing it.
The last time I was in the City, in 1999, I stopped at an intersection when the light turned red. A pedestrian complimented me on ‘going by the rules! He said bicyclists don’t!’ But, he should experience China, where I cycle now in Xining, nobody goes by the rules! It’s 100X crazier than N.Y.C.
But, bravo to D.B. for promoting cycling in the City!

My favorite ad was for a bicycle helmet. It said: “If you’ve got a five dollar head, buy a five dollar helmet.”
What does that say about someone who carries his helmet in the basket?

william Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed… October 13, 2009 · 9:27 pm

“Ride your bike on the street. Walk your bike on the sidewalk,”

“Pedestrians halve the right of way,”

“Dual purpose budgeting: bike. Bike on the road, or on the trails: avoid traffic jams. Bike and build your core muscles and aerobics.”

“Leave early” for work. Park a mile, or more away from work and bike the rest of the way.

“Leave early” from work. ride to your car, or the metro. What time does rush hour start? No bikes on METRO during rush hour yet. Own TWO bikes? Garage near metro stop that lets you lock your bike? Garage near METRO home?

Bike. Fresh air.

As a daily commuter, I AVOID streets with bike lanes since the NYPD refuses to enforce double parking. Any given lane has two cars or trucks parked in it per block, which means you have to weave in and out or ride outside of it completely. This angers drivers and makes them even more aggressive. Drivers are slightly less maniacal toward bikers on non-bike-lane streets, since you have no choice but to take up half a lane. Yes, BIKE LANES MAKE IT MORE DANGEROUS unless they are enforced.

And David, I recommend the Hairmet:

Delivery bikers aren’t actual New Yorkers riding actual bicycles? And they should pay for parking out of their gargantuan earnings? What kind of person thinks like this?!

David Byrne–good for you for supporting bicycling, but please invest in a hair brush! Put your helmet on while riding, take your helmet off at your destination, brush your hair. Definitely worth the extra 30 seconds to protect your noggin!