With New Abortion Restrictions, Ohio Walks Fine Line

The New York Times looks at how laws restricting access to abortion are affecting women – and prompting court challenges.

Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life, describes the last few years as “fantastic if you support the pro-life movement.”

Chrisse France, executive director Preterm, a nonprofit abortion clinic in Cleveland, sees it differently: “They say they’re doing this to protect women’s health, but some of the laws are actually harmful, and some are just cruel.”

(Source: The New York Times)

"Diversity is when you invite many different kinds of people to sit at your table. You look for difference in terms of age, race, gender, sexuality, class, ability, ethnicity, etc. But equity means addressing the fact that some people come to the table without a fork, some have two plates or none at all, some expect to be waited on, and some are more accustomed to doing the serving. Equity attempts to ensure that everyone can sit down to eat together on terms of equality."

achieving equity in publishing « Fledgling (via deannazandt)

(via deannazandt)

Patriarchy-ness is Close to Godliness

With one look into the steel arrogance behind Sorkin’s eyes, I am sure he considers his life’s tragedy that, in 50 years, there will be no Sorkin to write about him.

“I think I would have done very well, as a writer, in the forties,” he says. “I think the last time America was a great country was then, or not long after. It was before Vietnam, before Watergate.”

It was a great country, yes, for great white men. It was a great country when you could still trust in greatness. As many of us (who watch HBO, at least) long ago stopped believing in God, a God who for all Christian and capitalistic intents and purposes was male, it could not be much longer before we also stopped believing in things as theistic as neutrality and objectivity and omnipotence in journalism. I do not want us to stop believing in heroes; only in heroes who think, as Sorkin’s heroes think, they’re truth-raining gods.

How to get under Aaron Sorkin’s skin (and also, how to high-five properly)

(Source: The Globe and Mail)

“ We can do it!
Redondo Beach, CA


We can do it!

Redondo Beach, CA


I’ve finally had a chance to crunch some numbers and look at media hits, and wanted to share some info about this amazing community that you’ve helped develop in the last few days.

We launched on Wednesday morning, and since then — 72 hours later — we’ve gotten:

  • About 260 story submissions….

“On Thanksgiving Day, Dr. Julia Chase-Brand, 69, plans to run a 4.75-mile race in Manchester, Conn., where the presence of women will be plentiful and unremarkable. Fifty years ago, when she and two other women ran there the first time, it was a widely publicized act of civil disobedience that became a pioneering moment in female distance running in the United States.”

My observations in response to the terrific NBC Nightly News report on the 40th anniversary of “Our Bodies, Ourselves.”

Understanding the Mechanics of Dragonfly Sex. Oh, Just Read It.

“Whether that will lead to a Grand Unified Theory of Odonata Penises, I honestly don’t know,” he wrote in a later e-mail. “It may be that different species have solved the same problem many different ways, but to me that’s also interesting to know.”

It’s Complicated: Dragonfly Love Comes Calling

(Source: The New York Times)

“ “As seen from the Greenroom of the ICA/Boston”
Sent from Jeff Mason, who one assumes is putting on a World Music show at the moment.


“As seen from the Greenroom of the ICA/Boston”

Sent from Jeff Mason, who one assumes is putting on a World Music show at the moment.

Tags: information

"Can you hold off on Manifest Destiny?"

— Overheard: Teacher Planning Shorthand

Tags: overheard