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Healthy Balance

Infographic: 9 Smaller Changes to Improve Health for a Healthier You

Don’t stress over fad diets, new exercise programs or what the scale says. Instead, make one simple change at a time to improve your health. Over time, these changes will add up, and you’ll start to notice you’re feeling better.

It’s important to eat healthier foods and move or stand more to reduce your risk for heart disease. Heart disease is the number one killer of women and men in the U.S., but with one small change, you can improve your health today.

Ready To Improve Your Health

9 healthy changes infographic

Infographic Text: 9 Small Changes for a Healthier You

Improving your health doesn’t mean a dramatic change to your day.

  • Put down your smartphone
    • Q: How many times a day does the average person check their smartphone?
    • A: More than 100 times. This can create ADHD-like symptoms, increase stress, and harm social connections and trust.
  • Snack smart
    • Q: How many minutes of brisk walking does it take to burn the calories of a cookie?
    • A: 90 minutes. The best snack has 100-150 calories with some proteins or healthy fats.
  • Ease stress with yoga
    • Q: How does yoga relieve stress?
    • A: This combination of physical poses, controlled breathing and meditation regulates blood glucose levels, lowers heart rate and helps manage stress.
  • Eat more home-cooked meals
    • Q: Is a home meal delivery service an affordable option?
    • A: It is a bit pricier than grocery shopping, but compared to eating out you are saving money and eating much healthier.
  • Balance blood pressure with potassium
    • Q: Bananas are high in potassium. What other foods are a good source?
    • A: Apricots, sweet potatoes, avocados, spinach and mushrooms are also rich in potassium.
  • Maintain your balance
    • Q: How many injuries are caused by falls among older Americans?
    • A: 7 million per year. Improve your strength with leg raises or heel-to-toe walks, and check your home for fall hazards.
  • Cut 10 calories
    • If I cut 10 calories a day, how will it benefit me?
    • You will cut 3,650 calories per year, eliminating more than a pound. Aim for smaller portions, no dessert or burn 10 calories by taking the stairs.
  • Savor every bite
    • Q: When eating, how long does it take for your body to signal you are full?
    • A: 20 minutes. Eating mindfully helps us get in tune with our hunger hormones instead of ignoring them.
  • Stand up more
    • Q: How many hours a day does the average American spend sitting?
    • A: 9 hours. Sitting too long can cause higher blood sugar and fat levels, so find time to move throughout the day.

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