Nutanix Acropolis 5.10 is ready for download


Right before .Next in London Nutanix released its flagship product in version 5.10. Nutanix Acropolis 5.10 is a Long Therm Support (LTS) release that will be maintained till March 2020 and supported until Sep 2020. Please refer to KB#5505 for an explanation and how it differs from a Short Term Supported (STS) Release.

What’s new in Nutanix Acropolis 5.10

Prism Central 5.10

  • DR Run books

Huge milestone on the product roadmap. DR runbooks are the orchestration layer to help with automation of the failover, failback and failover testing of the workloads running on top of Nutanix platform. I will be able to learn more about DR runbooks from y upcoming blog series. For now, check out below video and see how easy it is to perform test failover using DR runbooks.

  • Search 2.0 – new way of searching for the information in Prism Central. See video for more details.
PRISM Central Search 2.0

Redesign UI

  • In Prism Central 5.10, Nutanix introduces a new customizable entities menu accessed by clicking the collapse menu button in the main menu. 
  • Audit Dashboards

Audit dashboards allows you to track activities on the cluster. The information is very granular. You can see who, when, what and how (what action was taken) on every activity. 

To access audit dashboards type Audits in search box (top left corner).
NOTE: Nutanix cluster has to tun on AOS 5.10.

Audit dashboard
  • Expanded VM NIC configuration

You can choose whether VM NIC can be connected to the port group or not. Configuration is available from Prism and from the command line (acli). You can perform an action on li

 vm.nic_update <vm_name> <MAC ADDRESS> connected=false\true

Nutanix AOS 5.10

  • Adding a Never-Schedulable Node to an AHV Cluster.

You can add Nutanix AHV node into existing Nutanix AHV cluster as never-schedulable node to increase data storage capacity only. Node marked in the system as “never-schedulable” is not consider by Nutanix ADS (Acropolis Dynamic Scheduler) as part of the CPU and RAM resource pool.

  • Entity Synchronization Between Paired Availability Zones

Availability Zones synchronize disaster recovery configuration entities like protection policies, recovery plans, categories, when they are paired with each other.

  • Autonomous Extent Store – Improvement in IO path for All Flash Nutanix clusters where all Nodes have 12 SSD or more.

Nutanix AHV

  • Implemented best effort HA for vGPU VMs.
  • AHV scheduler optimization for SAP HANA


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Artur Krzywdzinski

Artur is Consulting Architect at Nutanix. He has been using, designing and deploying VMware based solutions since 2005 and Microsoft since 2012. He specialize in designing and implementing private and hybrid cloud solution based on VMware and Microsoft software stacks, datacenter migrations and transformation, disaster avoidance. Artur holds VMware Certified Design Expert certification (VCDX #077).

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