six sitting methods for practicing meditation

how you can start meditation

Meditation is practiced worldwide, and there are different forms of meditation practiced around the globe. The postures of meditation have evolved with different practice, branches, forms, cultures, and needs.

But strangely, despite all of the different postures of meditation that are in practice, all postures have something strikingly similar. If for instance, one were to photograph people meditating around the world, all of the meditation postures will look almost the same.

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The simple reason lies in its fundamental concepts and the basic elements of meditation and postures; which are the same and universal. Therefore, one should first be free of prejudice; only then can they start practicing meditation.

Are you confused? Left wondering whether a posture is right or not? Let’s look into the universal meditation postures…

The first point starts from how you sit while doing meditation. There are six sitting methods for practicing meditation:

Quarter lotus

The simple, effective, and “ideal” sitting posture for meditation. Sit with your legs loosely crossed and both feet resting below the opposite thigh.

The half lotus

Often, people who struggle to sit in ‘Quarter Lotus’ should opt for ‘the half lotus’ position. It’s a modification of ‘quarter lotus’ and is recommended only when you find it difficult to start while sitting with both legs crossed. Cross right leg, and place it over the top of the opposite thigh. The left leg can rest below the crossed leg.

Full lotus

This meditation posture is for “experts”; at the beginning, this posture may be intimidating, and even painful. Your legs are tightly crossed, and both feet should be placed over the top of opposite thighs. The posture should resemble ‘lotus pose’, often known as ‘padma sana’.

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The burmese position

For all those who find sitting with legs crossed difficult, ‘the burmese position’ is recommended. It’s easy, relaxing, and quick to start. Sit with both feet lying on the floor in ‘sukhasana’; also known as ‘easy pose’.


One of the healthiest meditation sitting postures is derived from ‘virasana’ and ‘vajrasana’, or ‘hero pose’ and ‘thunderbolt pose.’ For either pose, one can kneel in ‘seiza posture’ and easily position a cushion between the legs.


Finally, if you’re unable to follow the above sitting methods, meditation can also be done sitting in a chair. You just need to sit straight, and your knees, hips and feet should be aligned.

Meditation can be done anywhere, so long as you have attention and awareness. Whether you are in full lotus pose or sitting in a chair, maintaining awareness is the key to making the most out of your meditation practice.

Too Busy to Meditate?

Learn more with Emily Fletcher at YOGI TIMES UNIVERSITY who shares a powerful yet easy to use meditation technique for every day practice. In just a few minutes you can harness the powerful effects of meditation without having to become a meditation master.